Memories of old Hollywood

Grandma Was A Hollywood Script Girl

East of Java - Aileen Webster is probably the only woman on the set.

East of Java – Aileen Webster is probably the only woman on the set, background right.

One of the strange things about American family culture is that most families spend almost no time talking about their relatives, even immediate family members.  Everyone is so busy trying to survive, go to school, work, participate in sports, dating and social activities, that the history, disappointments, achievements, and life stories of other family members are never dealt with.  When most kids are growing up, they might hear a few snippets, usually by accidental eavesdropping at the dinner table, about old grandpa Fred, who invented something or other,  or old aunt Betty who was a famous high-school athlete.  Rarely does a family take the time to get together every so often and give updates on what other members of the family, sometimes living in distant locations, are doing with their lives.  In some other cultures the dead family members are honored, as are the memories of what they did.  Most Americans have lost this.  Maybe it’s the result of the dis-integration of the so-called atomic family structure.  Ask a lot of young folks today, and many just don’t care about their past relatives, they are focused on themselves and immediate surroundings only.

Putting the family history in the trash.

Over the years I have been to thousands of estate sales and yard sales.  One thing that I began to notice is that family photo albums, documents, papers, history, and other memorabilia is frequently discarded- usually to be found in the trash cans.  The typical scenario is that the old folks die, the “kids” zoom in from out of town and dump everything out in the trash or estate sale, sell the house and pocket the money and any other valuables like jewelry, cash, paintings, and then scoot back to where they came from.  Save the family photos albums?  Naw, just keep one or two photos of mom or pop, that’s enough.  It makes you think that our culture must be so shallow that it’s not worth even giving it a second thought.

Charlene (left) with her mother Aileen Webster

Charleen (left) with her mother Aileen Webster

A few of us, though, as we age, realize that it sure would have been nice to be able to talk to Grandma about her life, but she lived on the other side of the country and died 20 years ago.  My friend Julie has recently had that “moment” when she unearthed some old boxes of photos and letters that she had rescued from the trash from one part of her family.  Julie’s family has a lot of Hollywood connections.  It started with her Grandmother, Aileen Webster, whose husband died at an early age and left her with two children, Charleen and Nicholas.  To make ends meet she somehow got a job as a script girl, and ended up working with director Tod Browning for 9 years.  Her daughter Charleen also worked in Hollywood as a showgirl, and was a friend of many Hollywood folks, including William Saroyan.

Filmmaker Nicholas Webster

Filmmaker Nicholas Webster

 Her son, Nicholas, became a filmmaker, winning awards for documentary films.  He wrote an entertaining book on his life filming documentaries called “How To Sleep on a Camel“.  One of Nick’s daughters, Cynthia Webster, owns a movie studio in Glendale, California, covered by WhatUpHollywood in a previous article (click here).  His daughter Julie, a teacher, helps out filming videos at WhatUpHollywood.

Who is left to sing my song?

Beach Babes - Showgirl Charlene with her mom Aileen Webster

Beach Babes – Showgirl Charleen (left) with her mom Aileen Webster

Looking through the box of old photos that Grandmother Aileen Webster had saved, brought up a mountain of questions.  What stories she could have told.  She worked on Dracula.  She worked on Freaks.  She was with Mr. Browning for years, and his life was really tumultuous.  She was there with him at many of the key moments.  Sadly, unless we can get someone to do a seance, we will never hear her stories- she died years ago.  We don’t have a diary.  Both her children, Charleen and Nicholas are dead. Like some of the Native American Chiefs said after their defeat in the so-called Indian wars: “Who is left to sing my song?”   Many of their stories were lost forever. So let this be a lesson to all who read this.  Get the facts and photos from your relatives as soon as you can, because nobody lives forever.  At least in this case we do have some pretty interesting old photos to share with our Hollywood fans.  So here goes:

Dracula (1931)

Bela Lugosi signed this to Aileen Webster

Bela Lugosi signed this to Aileen Webster

A great photo signed to Aileen by the master of the horror movie.  Imagine being on the set with him during the filming of Dracula!

Freaks (1932)


Script Supervisor Aileen Webster is in the background at right, behind Mr. Browning in this wonderful set shot.


A Hurrell photo of Leila Hyams, one of the stars in "Freaks"

A Hurrell photo of Leila Hyams, one of the stars in “Freaks”

A nice signed photo to Aileen.  Her son Nicholas Webster worked for photographer George Hurrell probably after graduation from Hollywood High School.  He learned about photography and lighting from one of the greatest Hollywood photographers of all time.


The great, mysterious director Tod Browning

The great, mysterious director Tod Browning

Aileen Webster was his script supervisor for 9 years.  Unless a diary turns up, the stories, the secrets, the drama of this man’s life as they related to her, are lost forever.

East of Java (1935)

Director George Melford

Director George Melford

He also Directed the famous Valentino epoch “The Sheik” (1921)


Charles Bickford and George Melford

Charles Bickford and George Melford

A great shot of Charles Bickford talking things over with director George Melford, East of Java.

That’s all for now folks, hope you liked Julie’s family photos.  We may post some more photos of the fascinating Webster family in the future.

posted by uncle paulie.



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Lydia Cornell and “Too Close For Comfort”

Sweet, sexy comedian Lydia Cornell Joins Fans in Burbank to Share Memories of her Show Business Career.

Lydia Cornell

Lydia Cornell

The fourth in the Barnes & Noble Pop-Cultured series at the giant Burbank Store showcased comedian Lydia Cornell.  Hosted by Herbie J Pilato, fans got a chance to interact with the famous blond beauty of “Too Close For Comfort”.  She related lots of behind the scenes antics, as well as her sometimes troubled relationship with Ted Knight.  Describing herself as a “recovering sex-symbol” having “withdrawal from cleavage”, she believes that “all human suffering is caused by Victoria’s Secret.”  Her opening remarks drew gales of laughter from the fans, especially when she said she was working on a book to be called “my brain is in my bra.”

The fans were also able to celebrate Lydia’s birthday, and two scrumptious cakes were brought out.  There’s a Starbuck’s inside the bookstore, so everyone was set for a birthday bash!

Sorry you couldn’t attend the celebration, no cake for you!  But you will soon be able to watch the event on youtube.  Keep checking this site for further information.


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Cindy Williams and Larry Mathews with Herbie J Pilato

Early Television Stars Discuss “Laverne & Shirley” and “The Dick Van Dyke Show”

Cindy Williams

Cindy Williams

(l to r) Cindy Williams, Herbie J Pilato, Larry Mathews.

(l to r) Cindy Williams, Herbie J Pilato, Larry Mathews.

Barnes & Noble Burbank was the setting for the second in the series of Pop-Cultured events that ran through the month of July every Thursday night.  July 9th was the night for the topic of the 1960s.  Hosted by Herbie J Pilato, the evening was spent with a bubbly Cindy Williams recounting some hilarious moments from her career on “Laverne & Shirley”, and Larry Mathews, the funny guy who played the kid Little Ritchie on “The Dick Van Dyke Show.”  Sitting in the cozy events space in Barnes & Noble, fans were whirled back to the 1960s  era of early television.  Herbie J Pilato, the ever-charming host, has created a little time machine for fans, in this case with co-pilots Cindy Williams and Larry Mathews.  The present day of “reality” shows is discarded, and the enchanting stories of yesteryear’s television programs turns back the clock to the days of the wonderful sitcoms we all loved.

You say you’re sorry you couldn’t make it to the event?  No problem, What Up Hollywood was there to film it for you.  Just click on the box below to enter into the time machine.


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The Soup Nazi From Seinfeld

If You Want Soup,

You’d Better Listen To This Message!

Click on the box below to hear this blast from Larry Thomas:

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Gala Event Set For Thursday July 30

Barnes and Noble, Burbank Store, Invites You to the Next Thursday Night Event.

The Soup Nazi

The Soup Nazi

Invited Guests include:  Larry Thomas, the famous Soup Nazi from Seinfeld;  Michael Stern, Lucille Ball’s Number One Fan; Frank Gorey, Lucille Ball’s chauffeur for 30 years; and actress  Jackie Joseph, star of many television shows and films.

Jackie Joseph

Jackie Joseph

The Event begins at 7pm, and will be hosted by Herbie J Pilato, from the Classic TV Preservation Society.  Seating is limited. This looks to be quite an amazing night!

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Barnes & Noble Burbank Hosts Pop Culture Celebration

Every Thursday in July Brings Fans and Stars Together to Share Memories

Under the leadership of Diane Brooks, B & N Community Relations Manager for the big Burbank Store, the five Thursdays in July will bring movie and television stars, fans, and historians together.  The time is 7pm, mark your calendar.

Helen and Mark Richman

Helen and Mark Richman

The first meeting, July 2, was hosted by Herbie J Pilato, an author, screenwriter, actor, and head of the Classic TV Preservation Society.  The guests were well-known pop culture and television historian Joel Eisenberg and Peter Mark Richman, one of Hollywood’s most well-known and recognized actors.  Mr. Richman is a long time veteran of television and is himself a writer and playwright.

Our friends at BigFunVideo are filming the events, and the links to youtube videos will be posted here on the What Up Hollywood website.  To see the first event, on July 2, click on the box below:

Check out the Classic TV Preservation Society, click here.

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From the Files of Bison Archives

The History of Republic Pictures

Marc Wanamaker and Film Fans Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Famous Studio City Motion Picture Company


 Studio City Library and the Gracious Folks at the Studio City Neighborhood Council Sponsored Historic Lecture.

The Studio City Neighborhood Council, an advisory group to the Los Angeles City Council, teamed up with the Studio City Library to sponsor film historian Marc Wanamaker to give a fantastic presentation on the history of the beginnings of Studio City and the motion picture company Republic Studios that was so important in the early part of the 20th century here in the valley.  The Library provided the meeting hall, screen and projector, the Neighborhood Council brought a picnic style luncheon for attendees, and Marc Wanamaker brought his wonderful collection of photos to share with the audience.

Film Historian Marc Wanamaker

Mr. Wanamaker is a renowned historian, archivist, and lecturer in film history. In 1971, he founded Bison Archives in Los Angeles, a leading repository of research and photographs of motion picture history. He assisted in forming the American Film Institute facilities in Beverly Hills in 1969 and was an AFI staff member for seven years. His extensive list of publications includes over a dozen books as well as articles in the Los Angeles Times and interviews in numerous documentaries related to motion picture history.Wanamaker is a founder of the Los Angeles International Film Exposition and assisted in forming The American Cinematheque. His vast experience co-producing film festivals and expositions led to an appointment as a program consultant with the Pordenone Silent Film Conference in Italy. He has tapped into his vast collection in Bison Archives to produce several historical film festivals, conferences, and programs.  His lively talk on the history of the beloved Republic Pictures gave us new insights on how the studio came to settle in at Ventura Blvd. and Radford Avenue.  It was built on the cultural and business foundation  of earlier studios who were active in Hollywood in the days of the silent movies.

If you were not able to attend the presentation, no problem, just click on the box below and watch the video of the entire event, filmed for by Big Fun Video:

To view the website of the Studio City Neighborhood Council click here.

To view the website of the Studio City Branch Library click here

To view the website of Bison Archives click here



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Cindy Williams Talks About Her Comedic Career

Laverne & Shirley Co-Star Meets Up With Fans at Larry Edmunds Bookshop in Hollywood


Cindy Williams

Cindy Williams

A playful, vivacious Cindy Williams met up with many of her loving fans at Larry Edmunds Bookshop in Hollywood Tuesday night, June 16th.  She talked about her career in film and television, took questions from the audience, showed an episode of The Laverne & Shirley show, and signed copies of her new book “Shirley, I Jest.”  Wow, what a great evening!

Herbie J. Pilato

Herbie J. Pilato

Hosting this fantastic free event was the wonderful film historian Herbie J. Pilato, a friend of Cindy’s, and author of many books on Hollywood, including “Twitch Upon a Star – the Bewitched Life and Career of Elizabeth Montgomery”, “Glamour, Gidgets, and the Girl Next Door”, “Kung Fu Book of Caine”, and many others.  The reason that events like this are so popular at Larry Edmunds, is that unlike a book signing at some of the big chain stores, the atmosphere is very intimate, everyone gets a chance to ask questions as well as getting a personalized copy of the book signed by the author.

Cindy Williams

Cindy Williams

The only thing missing is the popcorn.  Jeff, the head honcho of Larry Edmunds, usually shows a film or episode related to the event.  In this case it was an episode of Laverne & Shirley, called Dating Slump.  This is from the very first season, Episode 9, and the story revolves around Shirley’s problem getting a date.  She goes into a slump and begins to act in a bizarre manner around the apartment, taking the telephone apart and other strange things.  Laverne finally arranges a double-date for them, but it turns out the guys are both bus drivers.  With their dates driving the bus, the girls have to ride with them, picking up fares on the way,  to their destination, which is a seedy pool hall.  The hilarious episodes of the show always take twists and turns, nobody knows where it’s going to end up, which is part of the brilliance of the story lines.  The comedic charisma between Cindy and Penny Marshall is equal to any of the greatest comedy teams on a television series – it’s the real thing, something that can’t be faked.  Many of the Laverne & Shirley episodes are free to watch on, click here to see Dating Slump.  Cindy Williams is a home-town gal, born in Van Nuys and a graduate of Los Angeles City College and their Theater Arts program.

import_092_Snapshot (17)

 It was such a treat for fans to spend the evening with Cindy Williams and Herbie Pilato.  Please show your appreciation to Larry Edmunds Bookshop for these great events.  If you would like a copy of Cindy’s new book, “Shirley, I Jest,” you can order it directly by calling the book shop at 323-463-3273, or click here to go to the Larry Edmunds website.  They may still have signed copies available.  By getting the book from Larry Edmunds you help to allow them to continue to put on so many of these great free events.  We all know that there are places on the internet that flog used copies for cheap, but it’s not the same as actually being in the room with the author and being able to ask questions and interact.  These events in themselves become cherished memories.  Also, when you get a signed copy of a book from Larry Edmunds, you know that it is a real signature.  There has been a lot of chatter over the years by fans who have purchased so-called signed copies of photos and books and found out later that the signature is phoney.  And fans should know that when a celebrity is at Larry Edmunds, it is permissible to bring one or two other items to get signed, along with the purchased book.  Ya can’t do that through the mail!  Watch the website for upcoming events, they hope to see you there!

To watch the entire event at Larry Edmunds click on the box below:


Or to watch the entire event on youtube: click here

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Photos by uncle paulie

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Book Soup Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Famous Sunset Strip Book Store Throws A Literary Party

Book Soup

Book Soup

It’s only fitting that when a famous bookstore throws a party, that some famous authors will show up.  Book Soup, the Sunset Strip’s fortress of literature, held their 40th Anniversary party on Friday, June 12, 2015.  Many of L.A.’s favorite writers showed up to show their support and many gave readings.  In the spirit of camaraderie, the authors did not read from their own books, but from their favorite current books written by other authors.

Paul Neuman Presenting Proclamation

Paul Neuman Presenting

The evening’s events started with Paul Neuman, Director of Communications for Los Angeles Councilmember Paul Koretz reading a Proclamation  from the City of Los Angeles to Book Soup.  This is probably the most humorous piece of literature that the City has ever issued, and you can hear it being read on the video of the event.  Don’t miss this, it’s a treasure.  The Proclamation was accepted by Jennifer Ramos, who is head of events for Book Soup and Vromans Book Store in Pasadena.

Beth Lapides

Beth Lapides

The first reading was from the book Wonderland Avenue, the memoirs of Danny Sugerman, the late manager of the Doors.  Beth Lapides read from the beginning of the book, about Sugerman’s privileged but troubled childhood in Beverly Hills.  Beth is not only an author (“Did I Wake You”), but also an entertainer and comedienne.  She and her partner husband Greg Miller opened a Los Angeles hot spot called “Un-Cabaret” in 1993 in the Larchmont area, which is still going strong.  Danny Sugerman was also the manager for Iggy Pop.  For more on this era, have a look at the recent video we filmed at Book Soup of Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain reading from the shocking, hilarious book “Please Kill Me – The Uncensored Oral History of Punk Rock”.  The video can be found in the What Up Hollywood archives in February 2015 under “Go Ask Alice.”

Pam Ward

Pam Ward

Next was the vivacious Pam Ward, a Los Angeles poet, writer, and graphic designer.  She read from “Duke: A Life of Duke Ellington” by Terry Teachout.  Ward related some incidents about her aunt and Duke Ellington, focusing on Ellington’s legendary sexual prowess.  Ward said that The Duke would rent 6 motel rooms for the night and put a different lady in each one, and then spend the night moving from room to room.  Her spicy off the cuff remarks and reading had the audience in stitches.

Frank DeCaro

Frank DeCaro

Frank DeCaro, Sirius XM radio host, writer (“Dead Celebrity Cookbook”) and comedian read from “Candy at Last”, by Candy Spelling, the uber-rich widow of Hollywood Producer Aaron Spelling.  DeCaro is a really funny guy, and he relates his own issues with food and overeating with Candy Spelling’s self-absorbed, maxed-out fixation on her own body and eating habits.  Her book might be a big seller in Beverly Hills, which hosts armies of obnoxious, narcissistic men and women, but probably not in the farming flatlands of Indiana, where one bookseller is offering a used copy of her book for 24 cents (plus shipping).

Tony DuShane

Tony DuShane

Another funnyman and author, Tony DuShane, read from master of illustration Ralph Steadman’s book “The Joke’s Over: Bruised Memories:  Gonzo, Hunter S. Thompson and Me.”  Steadman was a long-time illustrator of Hunter Thompson’s books and articles in Rolling Stone Magazine in the 1970s.  Steadman has a lot of memories of the weird times with Thompson, and DuShane read from an incident where Thompson finally convinces Steadman to try some drugs he happens to have, and the disastrous results that ensued.  Tony DuShane is the author of “Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk”, a writer for the San Francisco Chronicle, a radio host and a writing instructor at UCLA Extension.  Afterward, we had a nice chat about Hunter Thompson.  I had met him and interviewed him way back in the early 1970s, and the stories of his alcoholism (he loved gin and grapefruit juice), and speed (he sometimes carried around a bag of whites to give him a lift when needed) was not exaggerated.  I was totally amazed over the years, not only that he could write so well when he was stoned out of his mind, but that he actually lived as long as he did. As to Ralph Steadman, DuShane and I both consider him to be one of most creative guys alive today.

Meredith Maran

Meredith Maran

Meredith Maran is a major journalist and author.  She has written for every major magazine you can think of, and has put out 10 non-fiction books and a novel.  She read from “Just Kids” by Patti Smith, which is about Smith’s relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.  Singer-songwriter Patti Smith has been called the poet laureate of the Punk Rock movement. Ms Maran’s reading covered a touching period in Smith’s life, dealing with the impending death of Mapplethorpe, a man she was so deeply in love with.

If you weren’t able to be part of the enthusiastic crowd at Book Soup that night, no problem, just click on the box below to see the entire event.  You’ll have to provide your own chocolate cake and wine, though.  Your punishment for not showing up at the live event.

Or, you can go to and see it, click here. 

Here’s links to the authors:

Book Soup:  click here.

Beth Lapides:  click here.

Pam Ward:  click here

Frank DeCaro:  click here

Tony DuShane:  click here

Meredith Maran:  click here



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Eric Caidin’s Movie Land Apocalypse

The Last Days of Hollywood Book and Poster and its Legendary Owner


Bill Nelson

Eric Near The End

Eric Near The End. Photo by Reese Vogel

Like a lot of people the news of Eric Caidin’s sudden death left me deeply stunned and extremely sad.  Although I only really got to know him the last few years, that time was a fun eye-opening experience. It seemed like every convention, retro-screening and other old time movie function I ever went to he was there, but we never became friends until my business partner John and I started setting up our memorabilia table next to his at the Hollywood Collector’s show.  At the slow times of the convention  (and believe me they were many), Eric would recount stories by the hour of his crazy past that were unforgettably entertaining.  His bookstore was in Hollywood for decades and he had been selling at the movie, rock’n roll and sci-fi conventions since the early 70’s, so no matter what aspect of entertainment you were talking about he had a story about someone who had come into his store, he had met at a convention or he had been out drinking with.

Eric Caidin Presents: Meet David Friedman

Eric Caidin Presents:
Meet David Friedman. Photo by John A. Mozzer

Not only were his tales about Hollywood, stories of his own life could fill volumes. As a drug induced rebellious teenager growing up near the Sunset Strip in the late sixties he got to see and hang out with all the giants of rock.  And from there his mind blowing adventures just kept getting better.  Starting from running a packed movie poster shop on Hollywood Boulevard, his love of gambling and the constant obsession with watching grindhouse flicks and Lucha Libre wrestling at run down midnight movie theatres, he was like a no one else I had ever met.

I always loved to pick Eric’s brain on information about any movie facts but especially on old horror,or low budget and film noir titles. On those he was the true expert. And as time went on, we started bouncing price ideas back and fourth on various items as well as keeping an eye on each other’s stuff when breaks were needed at memorabilia conventions.  This continued to other shows where we would try to get a table close together. Eric was always so generous with his knowledge.  If he didn’t know the answer, someone else was provided who could, because there was never a shortage of insightful, different and interesting people that would pop by his table for a brief visit, and it seemed that Eric knew everyone

Eric Looking Out

Eric Looking Out.  Photo by Reese Vogel

The last show we did together, Eric was walking hunched over and looked very depressed. He told me the lease on the store had been up and the landlord had just raised the rent to an exorbitant amount. To make stressful matters worse, there was no where else in the area that was even close to affordable because of Hollywood’s “urban renewal” trend. Most of the other small bookstores and memorabilia shops on the boulevard had suffered the same plight by being forced out by high rents after their leases had expired.  A trendy Starbucks, a crappy tourist T-shirt trap or a hipster night club seems to be the wave of the future on the boulevard. So Eric had to move out of Hollywood. His complicated plan was to have his legendary Hollywood Book and Poster shop relocate to Burbank. However, the space he was planning on making his new home was not available yet.

Eric Packing Up

Eric Packing Up

Now every item in the shop had to be moved into a temporary warehouse in the valley until the permanent store front opened up.  That meant around seventy five thousand film and television scripts, fifty thousand vintage movie posters, a hundred thousand movie photo stills and countless magazines and other memorabilia of the genre had to be boxed up, labeled and hauled over there. A major up-rooting since the store had been in Tinsel Town for almost forty three years.  At this point, Eric was running low on funds. In order keep his two loyal long time employees  ( and I mean long time, I think they had both worked for him for over 30 something years) he wanted the bookstore running as an internet mail order business until the next upheaval would begin.

Loading the Truck

Loading the Truck

John and I spent a couple of days volunteering with Eric’s monumental transplant and then I was able to take a couple more days off of work and help get the final things out of the store, at which point he had dangerously run over his time to vacate with the landlord. Quite a few personal items were still in the shop like his collection of Mexican wrestling and early exploitation movie posters.  That vast and unique assortment was the best I’ve ever seen.  I even found a “Rock ‘N’ Roll High School” one sheet signed by all of the Ramones which I bought from him.  And in typical Eric fashion then he started to relate to me how the Ramones were his pals and that not only did they hang out in the shop but at one time invited him as a personal guest along on their tour.  I never heard the full story, I just figured I would get the real crazy details on that adventure during the slow points at the next Hollywood Collector’s Show.  We always think we have tomorrow.

Rock 'n' Roll High School

Rock ‘n’ Roll High School

A lot of the stuff I helped to haul didn’t go into the warehouse, it ended up being stored in Eric’s empty guest house, which we filled up in no time. His previous tenet was a former employee named Jerry who was tragically killed one night a couple of years before in a brawl at the Frolic Room bar. Appropriately one of the last items to be removed from Hollywood Book and Poster was a portrait of Jerry.

Picture of Jerry, killed at the Frolic Room in Hollywood

Picture of Jerry, killed at the Frolic Room in Hollywood. Photo: Reese Vogel

The last few trips with Eric in the rental truck we moved loads of posters and assorted fixtures to his packed homestead.  There were framed posters and photos signed by Spielberg, Landis, Carpenter and many more that had hung in the store for years and now were going to his house.  While we were driving, I got to hear more great epics about his life particularly his love-hate relationship with gambling. He told me about one of the many times in his younger years when the family went to Las Vegas. His father, who was a big entertainment lawyer, had arranged to meet Elvis backstage after a show. Eric angrily told me that he had skipped the one-time-only invite because he didn’t want to end his winning streak at the tables.  After the lament, Eric wanted to take me to lunch. It was his favorite dining spot on Hollywood Boulevard and he proclaimed they had the best all- you-can-eat specials in town.  It’s called the Las Vegas Buffet.

Last Days

Last Days

As we moved out our final load and Eric locked the door for the last time, he wasn’t depressed anymore.  Although the future was uncertain, he was excited about the next adventure…….

Bill Nelson

Check out more cool photos of Hollywood and New York in the 1980s and 1990s by John A. Mozzer ( click here

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